Thursday, June 15, 2023

Cinderella 2000 1977 Full Movie Online Free

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Cinderella 2000: A Movie You Can’t Miss!

Have you ever thought what the classic tale of Cinderella would look like in the future? If you’re curious, then you should check out “Cinderella 2000”. This futuristic movie is a take on the original Cinderella story and has been given an adult twist.

Cinderella 2000

The Storyline and Plot

The movie sets in a future where humans have gone through drastic changes due to pollution. The world is now run by robots, controlled by a computer system. The system’s main objective is to regulate human lives for optimal output.

In this world, Cinderella is a lowly servant who serves Lady Claudia, and her two stepsisters are robots that were created to assist Lady Claudia with her daily life and be her companions.

One day, Cinderella stumbles upon an old book about romance and falls in love with the idea of finding true love. However, this proves to be difficult as the computer system controls every aspect of life, including choosing one’s partner.

The Cast

The cast of “Cinderella 2000” includes some famous names such as Catharine Burgess as Cinderella, Jay B. Larson as Prince Charming, Vaughn Armstrong as Rupert Kingman and Marilyn Corwin as Lady Claudia.

Catharine Burgess as Cinderella Jay B. Larson as Prince Charming

The Acting and Characters

The acting in the movie is top-notch, with each cast member giving their best performance. Catharine Burgess as Cinderella steals the show with her delicate features and compelling acting.

Prince Charming played by Jay B. Larson is charming, handsome, and his performance is noteworthy. Lady Claudia played by Marilyn Corwin is portrayed as a cruel woman who has no empathy for others.

The History of Cinderella 2000

“Cinderella 2000” was released in 1977 and was directed by Al Adamson. It was made on a budget of $250,000 and was not a commercial success at that time. Nevertheless, it has since gained a cult following due to its unique take on the classic story.

Score and Popularity

The score for “Cinderella 2000” is composed by Thomas J. Valentino, which adds to the movie’s atmospheric feel. Even though the movie initially received negative reviews from critics, it has since become popular amongst lovers of sci-fi films.

My Evaluation

I must say “Cinderella 2000” made an impact on me with its never seen before storyline and premise. It’s a brilliant take on an old fairy tale which still manages to develop strong emotions within the audience even today.


The cinematography in “Cinderella 2000” is good, but not exceptional. The use of futuristic elements such as robots and computer systems is well done and creates a realistic vision of the future.


In my opinion, “Cinderella 2000” is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys science fiction and is a fan of the original Cinderella story. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but its unique take on the classic fairy tale makes it worth watching.

The Scenes

The movie’s scenes are well shot, with each scene having a futuristic vibe that complements the storyline. The scene in which Cinderella discovers the old romance book is particularly memorable as it sets off the theme for the rest of the movie.


There isn’t much gossip associated with “Cinderella 2000”, but it’s worth noting that its lead actress Catharine Burgess had to do some nude scenes for the film, which was uncommon at that time. These scenes were integral to her character development and were shot aesthetically without any vulgarity.


The soundtrack for “Cinderella 2000” is fantastic and complements each scene beautifully. It sets up an atmosphere that really draws you into this new-age futuristic world where anything seems possible.


The plot of Cinderella reimagined in a futuristic setting seems like an ambitious undertaking and indeed it was. However, Al Adamson managed to create something unique while still maintaining some familiarity with the original tale.


“Cinderella 2000” has faced criticism for being too sexualised in some scenes. However, it must be kept in mind that it was released in the 70s when society was becoming more liberal towards nudism and sexuality.


The production of “Cinderella 2000” required a lot of innovation and creativity. The set designs were futuristic, and the integration of new-age technology to create the world that Cinderella lives in was visually stunning.


The movie’s editing is well done, with each scene flowing smoothly into the next. It’s apparent that a lot of effort went into post-production, given how seamless the transitions between scenes are.

The Special Effects

For its time, “Cinderella 2000” had fantastic special effects that helped bring its futuristic world to life. The attention to detail in terms of robot designs and computer systems is commendable and shows how much care went into making this movie.

The Dialogue

The dialogue in “Cinderella 2000” is well written and adds depth to each character. Catharine Burgess as Cinderella delivers her lines with precision, really drawing you into her character’s emotions.

Cinderella 1977 Movie

To Conclude:

“Cinderella 2000” is an underrated gem that deserves more recognition than it currently receives. Its unique take on a classic fairy tale offers something refreshing for fans of science fiction while still maintaining some familiarity with the original story. It’s worth watching if you’re looking for something different but still entertaining!

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