Monday, May 22, 2023

Rawhead Rex 1986 Full Movie Online Free

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Rawhead Rex: A Horror Classic or a Missed Opportunity?

As a horror movie fan, I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting movies to watch. So when I came across “Rawhead Rex,” I was intrigued. With a title like that, how could I resist?

Rawhead Rex movie poster

The Storyline

“Rawhead Rex” is based on a short story by Clive Barker, and follows an ancient monster who has been awakened from his slumber in the Irish countryside. It’s up to a group of locals to stop him before he kills again.

Rawhead Rex banner

The Plot

Unfortunately, while the premise of “Rawhead Rex” is interesting and unique, the execution falls flat. The plot feels disjointed and rushed, with little time spent developing either the characters or the monster they’re fighting.

Rawhead Rex monster

The Casts

The cast does their best with what they’re given, but ultimately it’s not enough to really engage the audience. David Dukes stars as the lead protagonist, but his character is so one-dimensional that it’s hard to really care about his plight.

David Dukes in Rawhead Rex

The Acting and Characters

The acting is serviceable, but again, there’s not much to work with here. The characters are all stereotypical horror movie archetypes, with no real depth or personality. You have the heroic lead, the wise old man, the skeptical cop, and so on.

Rawhead Rex

The History

Interestingly, “Rawhead Rex” has a bit of a cult following despite its flaws. The film was released in 1986 and directed by George Pavlou. It’s unclear why this particular monster has struck a chord with horror fans, but it’s possible that it’s simply due to its obscurity.

Horror movie fans

The Score and Popularity

The score for “Rawhead Rex,” composed by Colin Towns, is actually quite good. It’s an eerie and atmospheric soundtrack that helps to build tension throughout the film.

Colin Towns

Despite its cult following, “Rawhead Rex” isn’t exactly a household name. In fact, it’s largely been forgotten by mainstream audiences. It’s a shame, really, as there are many horror movie fans who would likely appreciate the film’s unique concept.


Overall, “Rawhead Rex” is a missed opportunity. It had all the makings of a classic horror movie – an interesting concept, a talented cast and crew – but it ultimately falls short. The script needed more work before filming began, and more time should have been spent developing both the characters and the monster itself.

Horror movie fans

The Cinematography

One area where “Rawhead Rex” does shine is its cinematography. The Irish countryside provides a picturesque backdrop for the film’s horror and violence, and there are some truly stunning shots throughout.

Irish countryside in Rawhead Rex


While I didn’t particularly enjoy “Rawhead Rex,” I do think that it’s worth watching for horror fans who are interested in obscure or cult films. There’s something fascinating about watching a film that’s largely been forgotten by mainstream audiences.

The Scenes

There are some memorable scenes in “Rawhead Rex,” such as when the titular monster kills his first victim or when he attacks a church full of people. However, these scenes are few and far between and don’t really make up for the film’s other shortcomings.

Rawhead Rex attack scene

The Gossip

There isn’t much gossip surrounding “Rawhead Rex,” likely due to the fact that it wasn’t a particularly well-known or well-received film. However, it’s interesting to note that Clive Barker has publicly expressed his disappointment with how his story was adapted for the screen.

Clive Barker

The Soundtracks

I’ve already mentioned how much I enjoyed Colin Towns’ score for “Rawhead Rex,” but there are also some great songs on the soundtrack. One standout is “Hellraiser,” which of course will be familiar to fans of Clive Barker’s other works.

Hellraiser soundtrack

The Analysis

When analyzing “Rawhead Rex,” it’s hard not to see how much potential the film had. The concept of an ancient monster awakening in the Irish countryside is truly unique, and there are glimpses of greatness throughout, such as the cinematography and score.

Film analysis

The Special Effects

Unfortunately, the special effects in “Rawhead Rex” are dated and unconvincing. While this could be forgiven if the film had been made in the 70s or 80s, it’s hard to excuse when you consider that it was released in 1986.

Special effects in movies

The Dialogue

The dialogue in “Rawhead Rex” is serviceable, but there are some cringe-worthy moments, particularly when characters are attempting to explain the monster’s backstory. It feels forced and unnecessary.

Movie dialogue script

The Crews

It’s hard to fault the crew of “Rawhead Rex,” as they did what they could with what they were given. Director George Pavlou attempted to bring Clive Barker’s story to life on a limited budget and with limited time, and the fact that he got a finished product out of it is impressive in its own right.

Film crew

The Criticism

“Rawhead Rex” has been criticized for many things over the years, such as its disjointed plot and poor special effects. However, one major criticism is that the film is simply too bleak. There’s little hope or optimism to be found in the story, which can make it a difficult watch for some viewers.

Film criticism

The Production

As mentioned earlier, “Rawhead Rex” was made on a limited budget and with limited time. This meant that the production was often rushed and chaotic. There are stories of actors having to return to set after filming had supposedly wrapped and of last-minute rewrites being done on the fly.

Film production

The Editing

Perhaps one reason why “Rawhead Rex” feels so disjointed is due to poor editing. There are moments where scenes feel too short or too long, and it’s unclear if this was due to issues in filming or in post-production.

Film editing


In conclusion, while “Rawhead Rex” has its flaws, it’s still worth watching for horror movie fans who are interested in obscure or cult films. The concept of an ancient monster awakening in the Irish countryside is unique, and there are moments of greatness throughout the film, such as the cinematography and score. However, these moments are few and far between, and ultimately “Rawhead Rex” is a missed opportunity.

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