Friday, April 28, 2023

Trade 2007 Full Movie Online Free

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The Feeling of Trade: The movie that left me deeply moved and devastated

Trade Movie Poster

Have you ever watched a movie that left you feeling so shaken and disturbed? Trade, a 2007 movie directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner, did precisely that to me- it left me feeling emotionally overwhelmed and left an indelible mark in my brain. The movie delves into the dark world of human trafficking- a trade on which millions of dollars are made every year globally.

The Disturbing Storyline

Trade Movie Storyline

The storyline revolves around Adriana, a young Mexican girl who is kidnapped by a group of traffickers while trying to cross the United States border with her younger brother Jorge. Her fate intertwines with New Jersey cop Ray Sheridan, who is investigating the disappearance of another young girl in Mexico City. Together with Jorge’s help, Ray attempts to rescue Adriana from the brutal grasp of her captors and bring them to justice.

A Tragic Tale Set Against Real-world Facts

Human Trafficking Washington Post

The movie highlights the harrowing reality behind human trafficking – it’s not just about girls being forced into prostitution or slavery but also about how they’re victimized and deprived of their basic human rights. The movie is based on real-world facts and data that highlights the magnitude of this global problem.

A Cast That Shone on Screen

Trade Movie Cast

Trade boasts of a talented cast that brought their characters to life on the screen with impeccable performances. Kevin Kline shone in his role as Ray, bringing vulnerability and depth to the character. Cesar Ramos, who plays Jorge, stole hearts with his innocent yet brave portrayal of a young boy determined to save his sister from her captors.

The Power of Dialogue

Trade Movie Dialogue

The dialogue in Trade was powerful and heartbreaking – it exposed the viewers to the harsh reality behind human trafficking while also highlighting the plight of its victims. The conversations between Ray and Jorge were poignant, capturing their bond and determination to rescue Adriana.

Thought-Provoking Scenes

Trade Movie Scenes

The movie was full of scenes that left me feeling disillusioned about humanity and its moral compass. One such scene that stood out for me was when Adriana is forced into an enclosed metal container like a caged animal and transported across the Mexican-American border along with other girls destined for human trafficking. It made me realize how real this trade is and how many lives it has affected.

The Making of the Movie

Trade Movie Behind the Scenes

The movie was filmed on location in Mexico City and El Paso, Texas, providing an added layer of authenticity to its cinematography. The use of natural lighting, coupled with the raw and gritty nature of the film’s production, made for a compelling watch.

Soundtrack That Set the Tone

Trade Movie Soundtrack

The soundtrack was minimalistic yet effective – it assisted in creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere while also serving as a reminder of the emotional toll this trade has on its victims.

A Critique on Trade

Criticisms on Trade Movie

While I found Trade to be a deeply moving movie that highlighted one of society’s darkest plights, some may find it too distressing to watch because of its graphic nature. Critics have also called out the movie for perpetuating stereotypes about Mexicans and emphasizing American exceptionalism.

The Impact of Trade: A Conclusion

Trade left me emotionally devastated but also deeply affected by its portrayal of human trafficking. It shone light on this global issue and provided a voice for those who cannot speak. It is a reminder that, as a society, we must continue to advocate for their rights and put an end to this deplorable trade that sees humans reduced to mere commodities.

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